Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our little bee!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

11 Months

We are officially counting down until Hadley is one. I'll save all of the mushy stuff for her first birthday blog, but I just can't believe how fast this year has gone. She has such a sweet, easy going personality and we are just smitten with her.

Sleep:  You are still a perfect little sleeper! You go to bed at 6:30-7 and wake up around 8. Your morning nap is from 10-12 and your afternoon nap is usually at 3. You are very predictable and you love your sleep!

Eating: You have milk 4times a day and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at 9, 12:30, and 5:45. For breakfast you have Cherrios, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and fruit. For lunch you eat turkey and cheese and fruit and dinner you have pasta with meat and veggies, quesadillas, or whatever we are eating. You love peas, broccoli, strawberries and bananas and will eat almost everything I put in front of you! 

Sizes: 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers

Things you love: You love Elmo, paci, baby dolls, books....Books are by far your favorite toy right now. You love "reading"! You love talking and will babble all day long. 

New things you do: You are officially cruising around furniture and you love going up stairs. You have recently started playing with your Elmo. You will give him your bottle and put your paci in his mouth and it is so sweet. We went to visit Aunt Jenny, Uncle E and Nick and Noah this weekend and on the plane we played with your Elmo doll most of the time. The paci would go from Had's mouth to Elmo's and then to mom or dad's mouth. She did this over and over! (Derek and I got good at faking taking the paci!)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Pictures

We took some pictures at the Arboretum last month and I had to share a few:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bed Head

Girlfriend woke up with a serious case of Bed Head this morning.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Its a perfect day for...

Its a perfect day for swinging. We are loving this fall weather!