Monday, October 25, 2010


A few weeks ago I had another fabulous shower hosted by my Aunt Debbie and my cousin Lauren. It was so much fun celebrating with some of my most favorite girlfriends. The shower was so nice and was at one of my favorite lunch spots, the Neiman Marcus Cafe at Northpark. Thank you Aunt Debbie and Lauren for such a fun afternoon!

The flowers were all done by my Aunt herself! She is amazing!

Momu, Lauren, Nanny, Caroline and Aunt Debbie

Lauren and me

Aunt Caroline!

Kim, Zahra and Samantha

Liz and Lacey

These are just a few pictures from the day. Thank you for everyone who came to celebrate little Hadley! 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


On Sunday afternoon I had a wonderful shower hosted by several special women. These women have known me since I was little and hosted wedding showers for Derek and I. I am so lucky to have their love and support over the years and especially as I become a mom for the first time. I got so many gifts at the shower and was just overwhelmed by the generosity! Here are a few pictures...

 Here are a few pictures of the was fairy tale themed and there were story books everywhere. It was so sweet!!

There were Madame Alexander dolls everywhere- Here, there was a doll for Nanny, Caroline, me, Emily and Hadley! It was so adorable! My favorite decoration!!

Lacey, me and DeAnn- its so neat to have such great friends from early childhood!

The girls and our moms. Thank you Betty and Donna for a wonderful afternoon!

Thank you Betty, Donna, Marianne, Judy, Carmen, Sharon, Mary Sue, Jane and Melanie for a beautiful shower!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

8 Months

How far along: 8 months

Sleeping: I still love my sleep but its getting a little tricky to fall and stay asleep. I can not wait to sleep on my back and stomach again! Miss Hadley loves to play at night time, too. Hopefully she changes that before she comes! Someone at my shower today told me that God prepares us for life with a newborn by making sleeping difficult while pregnant!
Best Moment of the Week: Having my second shower and celebrating with so many special women!
Movement: She is still very active and loves when I'm in water! She'll be a water baby like her cousin Zoey! Zoey could spend all day in the pool if they'd let her!
Cravings: Nothing too crazy yet. Still love my Italian delivery place and my sweets! I'm a sucker for a cupcake!
Milestones: It is October which means Hadley is coming NEXT month! I can't tell you how exciting that is to say that!

                                                                         8 Months

I love, love, love her is all coming together and I can't wait to actually have a baby in there! The glider finally came (Thanks Mimi and Pa!) and her sweet letters were a shower gift from my hostesses! All I need is the curtains it will be done!

A sneak peek of the nursery...

Sweet Mav knows something is up and there is no denying that now. She spends a lot of her day laying in Hadley's room and sniffing every square inch of it. Lately she has been bringing all of her toys into her room and leaving them there...I wonder what that means! She's also been sick- she had a pretty bad bladder infection, so we are on week 3 of antibiotics. Poor girl.

                                                        A very suspicious Maverick...

Sweet Emily is doing great and will be 5 months next week. I can not believe it. She is a very active, determined little one and I can't imagine life without her! Hard to imagine loving another baby as much as I love her! I see her almost everyday and I can't believe how much she changes week to week. I am so lucky to have 7 perfect nieces and nephews!
Emily cheering on the Hurricanes! Tyler's football team that Derek helps coach!

                                                                    Little Longhorn

I had such a wonderful shower this afternoon and I can't wait to share pictures from that later this week!