Sunday, November 24, 2013

Love Letters to Hadley: 3rd Birthday


We have just spent a week celebrating your third birthday and we are all tuckered out! I cannot imagine a life without you. I knew from the moment that you were placed in my arms on November 18th, 2010 that all of my dreams had come true.

Almost every day we marvel at how much bigger you have gotten. She looks taller. Look at how big she is. I can't believe she can do that. Those are the things Daddy and I say -- over and over again.
You are so smart and talk so much. You take about 5 minutes to warm-up to most situations, but when you do you light up the room. You have the most empathic little heart and are always asking if people are happy. When someone isn’t “happy” you are almost in tears. What a wonderful trait that is. You speak in full sentences and have new words and sayings each day. You can count to 20 and can sing songs from the radio and say prayers before meal times. You can get yourself dressed, get your own snack and pick up after yourself.

Three years ago I couldn’t have comprehended any of these things. You were this tiny, fragile baby that depended on me for every want and need.

But, I know you are still little. When you throw tantrums, your mouth contorts into your signature cry-face that is simultaneously horrible and hilarious. You want to be carried. You are not even three feet tall! You carry Kitty around with you at all times – and you’re afraid of many new situations. You are still just three tiny years old.

And it’s important for you to know: I’m pretty much in awe of you. You’re three years old, and you are just so perfectly and authentically YOU. You know exactly what you like, and exactly what you don’t, and you’re always true to both. You have a whole drawer full of cute little jeans that you never wear, because you’re just not a jeans girl. You are a twirly dress girl. You don’t like ponytails or bows, instead choosing to leave your hair loose and messy and always in your face.  You’re particular about your food and will only eat the exact same meals every day. You are sweet and kind and curious. You are extremely sensitive and dramatic. You are so, so loveable and the best big sister. And the thing is- you’ve always inspired me to be what I needed me to be. Strong, courageous, forgiving, patient. If I’ve ever been proud of who I am, its because of you. I pray, with all of might, that I am the kind of mother that makes you proud, too.

I wouldn’t be me without all three years of you.

Love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday.


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