Hadley is 6 months old. A half of a year. At first I think that is so old, but then I was cleaning the refrigerator and found a bottle of salad dressing that I've had 6 months. So, maybe its not that old. This month Hadley has changed so much. Its amazing how much they change day to day, but I've noticed the biggest difference this month! I love this age and wish I could keep her like this forever! We went to the doctor and got another great report on our girl. She had three quick shots and we all survived. Here are her stats:
Weight: 15.2 lbs (35th percentile)
Height: 26.75 inches (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (35th percentile)
Here is what life with our 6 month old is like...
Sleep: I'm sad to report you are not sleeping through the night anymore! You were sleeping more at 2 weeks then you are now, so starting Monday is Baby Boot Camp. (i.e we are not eating at 1 am and 4 am anymore!) She is still going down to sleep at 8 or so and is waking up 2 times nightly to eat. She's up at 8 for the day. She takes at least three naps still at 10 (ish), 3 (ish) and 5:30 (ish). Wish us luck on next week, listening to your baby scream at night is difficult- but momma needs to sleep!
Eating: You still don't take too many ounces in your bottle, only about 3.5 ounces. Hopefully when I eliminate the two night feedings you will take more milk during the day. You love eating solids and get so excited when you see the bowl and spoon! You've eaten green beans, sweet potato, mango, pear, peach and banana! You eat solids once a day usually after the morning nap.
Sizes: You are wearing 3-6 month from everywhere. And now you are wearing size 2 diapers full time!
Things you love: You love so many things now! You love standing on my lap, sitting independently, watching Yo Gabba Gabba, bouncing in your froggy or your doorway jumper. You love staring at people and smiling, and you love getting attention!
Activities: We do lots of playing now! You sit assisted with the boppy pillow (and sometimes alone) and will play with your teething toys, books and stuffed animals. You love rolling around the room and bouncing in your froggy. We started a Kidville class last week and you love looking at the other babies and listening to all the music.
New things you do: You are finally sitting by yourself, you blow raspberries, you follow my voice around the room and you reach towards your toys on the ground. Also, when you get hungry and see the bottle you scream until you are eating!
Hadley Carol, I love you to the moon and back. I can't believe I've only known you for 6 short months- it seems like a lifetime! You are the perfect addition to our little family.