Friday, March 11, 2011


Except for a few nights, Hadley is a perfect sleeper! It's been a process, but Hadley sleeps through the night in her crib and everyone is happy.

 The first two weeks of her life she didn't sleep great and only slept at night on my chest. Then, she slept in the bed with me for about a month and at this point she was sleeping about 5 hour stretches. That worked great until I got sick of not moving when I slept in fear of waking her up! For the next 6 weeks or so she slept in the bassinet next to our bed and I loved having her so close to us. It looked for a while that she was going to sleep with us until she went to Kindergarten! After her three month birthday Derek and I decided she needed to go to her crib. We chose a Saturday night and did our nighttime routine and just put her in the crib cold-turkey! She did great and slept until 8 am. I compulsively checked the video monitor all night!

Since that night she has slept perfectly in her crib and will sleep from about 9 pm- 8:45 am. Some mornings she will wake up at about 7 and those are my favorite mornings. I'll go get her and bring her back to our room. I'll feed her and put her in bed with me like when she was weeks old. We both sleep for a bit more. I love nothing more than waking up with her.

so peaceful when she wakes up

sleepy profile

wide awake

watching The View with mommy

perfecting her pout 

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